Welcome to a study in the book of Ephesians!

I'm so glad you decided to join me! God's Word is life to us! It is our instruction manuel for life. The Bible contains the "ABC's"of Christian living. Many times we struggle and struggle to live a godly life. God doesn't want you to struggle, but He does require us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". That just means work out that walk with Him individually. Figure out what to do and then do it! He has given you the answers in His book of books - the Bible! Let's discover what it is saying to you. Let the Holy Spirit teach you! By the way, you must be born again to understand this book.
How do you get "born again"? In John 3, Jesus says you must be born of the Spirit. That means your Spirit needs to be revived, brought to life. Only Jesus can do that!Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life". As a matter of fact, He also said that there was one way to the Father. That way was through Him. He wasn't just a prophet or good man. He is the Son of God. God created you. God loves you. God wants you to have a relationship with Him. How? One way. Believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Believe that He died on the cross to delete your sin and get you to a place where you can know God here on earth and see Him face to face when you die. That's it. Do it today!

Oh yes. Please comment on the posts! I would love to hear what God has revealed to you about Genesis! Let the journey begin!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Law Abolished

We are now in Galatians 3:19-29. Paul continues to talk about the law. This subject was a HUGE issue with the Jews. Can you imagine living under the law and then in one swing of a hammer on a nail pierced through Christ, the law is abolished. The Bible says that at Jesus' death the veil of the temple was ripped in two. Supernaturally. Literally. This meant that anyone - and God meant anyone - now has access to God. This wasn't good news to the people who took the law and controlled others with it. This is what the majority of the Jewish priests were doing. Controlling people hate to lose control. If they only knew that relying on God everyday is so much easier than trying to control every person's move in their life. Ever see a Mom control every step of their child's life? You notice the child can't move without permission. Yuck! Poor kids! Some people thrive on control. When the person being controlled gets free, the relationship many times ends. It's too bad! Back to Galatians. So, what does the law refer to? Well, it includes the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible), the Ten Commandments, and all of the laws set up in the Jewish system. Now, in verse 22, we see that all (people) are under sin. In other words we are born into sin. Everyone. But in order to repent from sin, we needed a definition of sin. That's where the law came in. You could look, say, at the Ten Commandments and know you have broken at least one of those that day. You quickly then realize you don't measure up. You break the law - often. Sacrifices were constantly being made to release man temporarily from sin, but man needed a final sacrifice to finally free him from the grip of sin. Verse 24 says that the law was our "schoolmaster" or our tutor to eventually bring us to Christ. Salvation for man is now found in Jesus Christ. We are now children of God by faith in Christ (see verses 25,26). The Galatians were challenged with this new concept. Any revelation of this magnitude must be revealed by the Spirit and received by faith. This is a lot to digest for me! So, we will continue tomorrow!

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