Welcome to a study in the book of Ephesians!

I'm so glad you decided to join me! God's Word is life to us! It is our instruction manuel for life. The Bible contains the "ABC's"of Christian living. Many times we struggle and struggle to live a godly life. God doesn't want you to struggle, but He does require us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". That just means work out that walk with Him individually. Figure out what to do and then do it! He has given you the answers in His book of books - the Bible! Let's discover what it is saying to you. Let the Holy Spirit teach you! By the way, you must be born again to understand this book.
How do you get "born again"? In John 3, Jesus says you must be born of the Spirit. That means your Spirit needs to be revived, brought to life. Only Jesus can do that!Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life". As a matter of fact, He also said that there was one way to the Father. That way was through Him. He wasn't just a prophet or good man. He is the Son of God. God created you. God loves you. God wants you to have a relationship with Him. How? One way. Believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Believe that He died on the cross to delete your sin and get you to a place where you can know God here on earth and see Him face to face when you die. That's it. Do it today!

Oh yes. Please comment on the posts! I would love to hear what God has revealed to you about Genesis! Let the journey begin!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Begin in the Spirit and End in the Flesh?

We are now in Galatians 3:1-5. Again, remember Paul's spirit. He loves these people in Galatia. But they are being foolish. He actually wonders who has bewitched them. Did you know witchcraft is a work of the flesh? He was right in saying they were bewitched. When your Christian life begins to wain, demonic activity could really be going on. I can't imagine my life without the Spirit of God. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1980. Yeah, yeah....a long time ago. Anyway, that experience changed my Christian life totally. I thought being a Christian was good before, but the baptism of the Holy Spirit took it over the top! I could pray in tongues, lay hands on the sick, have words of knowledge and words of wisdom. WOW! The Holy Spirit is full of great gifts! So, begin in the Spirit and be made perfect in the flesh - or end in the flesh? I shutter to think. But any of us could fall for the deception. Remember, the flesh is full of pride and a "know it all" kind of spirit. It's easily flattered and full of strife and very puffed up with knowledge. It's easily offended and kind of touchy. How do you get the Spirit? Paul says in verse 2 it's by "the hearing of faith". I remember hearing of the Holy Spirit and the more I learned of Him, the more faith I had to receive Him into my life. There was no Holy Spirit for those under the law. The Holy Spirit was sent after Jesus ascended to heaven. Read Acts chapters 1 and 2. You don't work for a gift! Receive the precious gift of the Holy Spirit! It will change your life! Under the law - no miracles. In the Spirit by faith - is the miracle place. Don't go back and operate in the flesh! It doesn't work! The Galatians entertained the words of people who didn't live in the Spirit and it wore them down. Do your friends talk faith talk? Are they standing with you in godly pursuits? Be careful who you fellowship with. Protect this precious gift.

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