Let's continue our study of Genesis and look in chapter 11:1-9. We have seen the creation of earth, the universe, animals, vegetation, man, woman, family and nations. So, what happens when you have a bunch of people together? Sometimes, agreement. The power of agreement is....powerful! We see it here when the people agreed together to build a tower to heaven. The power of agreement is so....powerful...that God actually had to stop them. You would think He might look and smile at the people trying to build this tall tower. But God is alarmed and so much so that He actually changes the languages and the people disperse. Ever think that though you speak the same language as others in you country, sometimes the lack of agreement has a devastating affect? Or, the other way. The agreement has caused miracles to occur? The devil hates it when Christians are in agreement. He does everything he can to disrupt the flow of agreement.There is power in "one-ness". Verse 1 of Genesis11 is the key."The whole earth was one language and one speech". Oh that Christians understood the power of the tongue.If we did, words would be carefully chosen. Encouragement would be on the rise! Agreement would turn seemingly impossible situations around. Matthew 18:19 shines more light on the subject. Jesus is basically saying here that if two of us can agree as touching anything, it will be done. Unfortunately man hasn't changed. Verse 4 of Genesis goes to motive - the people wanted to "make a name for themselves". It's all about "me", "my name", "my accomplishments, "what I want" instead of what God wants. He wants it all about Him. In verse 6, God says if man was not restrained, anything imagined could be done. Think about it. Is it time for you to tap into this power. Want a better job, a better spouse, a successful child? Listen to what you are saying. Find a friend to agree with you in prayer. Be sure you are following God's plan. Be careful of that pesky pride. That pride caused division in Genesis and actually causes division today.
A voice was about to arise here in Genesis. God is about to select a nation for His own and a man to lead it and communicate for Him. You see, there was this promise to Eve. A seed was coming - a voice who calls everyone to come - follow Me. We celebrate His birth this month - know who it is?
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