Genesis is the beginning of all things! Please join me on this amazing trip of beginnings. All 50 chapters have a wealth of revelations of God and promises of God both past, present and future. Get your Bible and join the journey. I am beginning with some posts from last year and will be adding to them. God bless!
Welcome to a study in the book of Ephesians!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Be Ye Separate
Life outside the garden begins. Cain and his wife, probably his sister, (God fixes that in Leviticus 18: 6,9) have children and this "super" family takes off. All would be lost, but that Adam and Eve decide to have another child. This child's name was Seth. We find this in Genesis 5:3. The words used here regarding Seth are the same words used when God created man "in His own likeness...and image". Eve sees him in Genesis 4:25 as a replacement for her beloved son Abel. Remember, God promised a seed to crush Satan's head. Seth would be the carrier of that future seed. God keeps His promises. As a side note, look at Genesis 4:3-31 and see how long people lived back then! Adam lived 930 years, Kenan lived 910 years, Seth bore children at 807 years old! I wonder what you look like at 807 years of age. Remember, this was a time right out of the garden. Sin had only just begun to take root and literally change the atmosphere. God soon reduces the life span of man to 120 years. Now, one of Seth's offspring was Enoch. What a neat story. How tight can you get with God? Apparantly tight enough for God to take you away to heaven before you die. That's what happened to Enoch. I guess He couldn't wait for Enoch to join Him in heaven. Enoch's special relationship with God came from what Enoch did. What did Enoch do? In the midst of the wickedness on the earth, Enoch was able to stay separate and tight with God. Let's see how this man developed such a tight relationship with God. In Genesis 5:24 and also in Hebrews11:5, we are told that Enoch walked with God and pleased God. The word "pleased" means agree. So Enoch agreed with God. In other words, as the Bible says, how can two walk together unless they agree? Enoch walked with God. You know, that's really God's big plan for man. To walk with you. He demonstrated that in the Garden of Eden. He walked and talked with Adam and Eve. Did you know God wants to walk with you...and talk to you? You ask, does God still talk to man? Uhhhhh,,,,yes! Know why you don't hear anything? You must have a relationship with Him where you pray, study His Word (Bible), meditate on His Word and just talk to Him. All of these things only help in tuning your spiritual ears to God. You will hear Him if you give Him a chance. If you read the verse following, in Hebrews 11: 6, it goes on to talk about faith. Without it it is impossible to please (agree with) God. Enoch was a man of faith. So are you. You will strengthen your faith as you study His Word. Another thing Enoch did was speak out against unrighteousness. We see this in Jude 14, 15. Please take a moment to read this passage. It is a prophetic word that applied then and now. You know how I write about grumblers, haters, complainers? Well, Enoch didn't like them either. He specifically preached here about "grumblers and faultfinders". He warns against this behavior. He says they "follow their own evil desires, boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage". Keep on the look out! Enoch's life is an example for all of us. Walk with God, please Him and speak out about ungodliness. You may get swept off your feet!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Time to Redirect!
Redirect - "to change the direction or focus of". This is a perfect example of redirection. Someone does something wrong. Another does something right. The one who did something wrong gets mad at the person who did something right. That person decides that destroying the person minding his own business and just serving God is the right thing to do. Problem solved, right? Wrong. Somebody is watching. That somebody is God. Cain killed Abel. There is no escape. "Where is Abel?", God asks. God asks a similar question in the Garden of Eden. Look in Chapter 3:6-8. "Where are you?", God asks Adam and Eve. Does God know where Abel is? Sure. Does God know where Adam and Eve are? You bet. Purpose of the questions? To get to the conscience (the inner sense of what's right or wrong in one's conduct or motives). Did the guilty confess? Not really. Adam explained that he heard God in the garden and "I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid". Cain's answer to where his brother was - "Am I brother's keeper?". Has your child ever answered you in a similar way under somewhat similar (but not as big) circumstances? Even better. In 3:11 Gods asks Adam, "Who told you you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?". The answer that has been passed from generation to generation - "She made me do it!". I'm thinkin' Cain felt the same way - "It's Abel's fault I killed him!". Cain's sentence is similar to his father's sentence, but one step worse. Not only will he till the ground, but the ground won't produce. He doesn't just get kicked out of an area, but he is sentenced to wandering the earth. It's also interesting that Cain felt and understood that he lost the presence of God. His parents felt that as well. The worst of the worst - no presence of God. Can you imagine? But blood cries out. What is the blood crying? It's crying out for it's right to live and to be alive. Murder is referred to many times in the Bible as "blood crying out". The murder can't be hid. It cries for justice. And justice it receives. You might think that the mark God puts on Cain to protect him from death is a good thing (see 4:15). I'm not sure. God is protecting his judgement. Cain will serve his time. No one has the right to take another's life. Life begins at conception and that life has the right to life.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Yep. I know what you watched in the 80's! Saturday Night Live. Me too. It was a show with very funny skits. One very famous skit was written around the time the movie "Jaws" was released. It would have people sitting in their home and the doorbell would ring. They would ask who was there and the "person" on the other side of the door would say, "Candygram". When the person opened the door, it was a "landshark" and the person would get eaten by the shark. Pretty funny. Well, this is God's version of the landshark in our lives. In Genesis 4:7, God began to deal with the issue of Cain's disobedience in the offering he gave to the Lord. He encourages him to repent. A neat thing about God is that He always gives us a way out. As a matter of fact, in I Corinthians 10:13 we read, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." God always shows us the way out. He doesn't want you to sin!!! He's not trying to test you to see if you will!! As a matter of fact, here we see Him reaching out to Cain. He was reasoning with him and warning him...there is a landshark at your door. It wants to devour you! In this case it's not a funny skit. It's the truth. Sin wants to destroy you. God made it plain to Cain. don't do well (obey) - then...sin crouching at your door will destroy you. Sin, here, means missing the mark - like an archer. The door is the way into our heart and life. When we disobey God, we open the door to sin. Sin is a wicked monster just waiting to pounce. Picture sin sitting just on the other side of a door from you. It is patiently waiting for you to open the door and let it in. Sin can't open that door, only you can. Remember Eve's encounter with the devil? The devil couldn't just come in and take the garden over. He didn't have the authority. He needed the one in authority to let him in. Eve gave him that authority by giving in to the temptation. God told Cain that he could "rule over it (sin)". Even in the Old Testament, man had the ability to resist the devil. How? James 4:7 says to do two things. Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Cain didn't repent. He dug his heels in all the more. This one decision led to a hardened heart that eventually killed his brother. Guilt will do that to you. Careful, saint! Keep your heart. Resist!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Grumpy Offering
Thursday, October 21, 2010
We see in Genesis 3:21 that God sacrificed an animal in order to cover man's nakedness. A real symbol of the covering sacrifice of blood for sin. Sin was represented in the nakedness of man. Blood is representative of life. Life is in the blood.The skin of the sacrificed animal represents covering. The flesh was revealed through man's disobedience and it wasn't pretty. The flesh is selfish and self serving. It's all about "me" and what "I" want. A temporary covering was all God provided at this time in history. The shedding of blood was instituted at this point and we see this blood requirement throughout the Old Testament (Old Covenant) in the sacrifices in the Temple. I've been in the ministry for 28 years. I have served as a youth minister, Children's Director, Christian coffee house barista, Pastor, Women's Ministry leader. I have traveled to a few countries overseas to minister. I've worn numerous other hats and I've been around a lot of people. We have bailed people out of jail, kept a few out of jail, been praised and hated. When it all sifts down, all people deal with the same temptations. Ecclesiastes tells us there is nothing new under the sun. The devil has the same tricks. He uses his only tool - pride. I've seen so many prideful people in various degrees. Pride sits and judges. We are not called to judge but to serve. That's it. Those that do serve - with no strings attached - find themselves in the most blessed of situations. These are the ones who just do the job. No gossip, tale bearing...just serving God through serving others. You know, God looks at the heart. These are those I love to serve with. These are the ones who get the work done. I remember when I was a barista in our church's first coffee house. For three years I read the Bible to a gentleman who came in every day. He was uneducated, just a few teeth and definitely from a poor background. We had some wonderful discussions about God. Many times, he had much better insight into God's Word than the "educated" people I knew. People used to ask me why I was reading to this man. They said I could have Bible studies with others - you know educated people! Well, after those three years, this man hooked us up with the the young boy we ended up adopting. Be careful how you judge. Are you "bigger" than the one God wants you to minister to? Are the "least of these" Jesus refers to too least for you? If so, you're missing an opportunity to minister to Christ Himself. Careful of that pride - it might bite you in the end - and you know what end I am referring to!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Chapters 2 and 3 Pt 2
Sorry I've been gone a week! Life gets busy! Maybe I was avoiding the part where the first woman ("mother of all the living" 3:20) blew it. Yep, our sex kind of started this fun path we are on by seeing, biting and taking the husband with her. You may look, but you may not bite. You bite, you pay....a hefty price. Women don't always realize their heavy influence on a man. Then there are some women who know their power of persuasion so well, they manipulate their husbands like puppets. Women are the master manipulators. I've known a few in my time....and still know some. Manipulation is a work of the flesh used to seduce and get your way. Beware!!! Whether you like it or not, God placed man in authority over woman. I mean, look at the curse God placed on her in 3:16 -"Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you". Though another 3:16 (John 3:16) redeemed us from the curse, we still are to be submitted to our husbands. I actually think men have the harder job - to love us as they love their own flesh. Study love sometime and you will see it is a really self sacrificing proposition. I say let him be in charge. Being in charge isn't all it's cracked up to be. I love to have my husband take care of me. Here is a challenge for you girls. Look up 1 Peter 3: 1-6. Meditate on that one for a while. With this sin of disobedience to God, Satan gained a stronghold in this world. Everyone (including him) were promptly removed from the garden. Satan is now given the title of "prince of the world" in John 14:30 and "god of this age" in 2 Corinthians 4;4. But again, through the second Adam (Jesus) we can actually get great victory over this horrible world prince. It takes faith - firm faith. But with God..all things are possible!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Chapters 2 and 3 Pt 1
Please read chapters 2 and 3 of Genesis. It begins by going into detail on the creation of man. We now see God referred to as the "Lord God". "Lord" has been added. The word "Lord" in Hebrew is "YHWH" or "Yahweh". This name is God's covenant name. It represents His love and closeness to man. Here we see that God is not a god who just creates something and walks away, but He is THE God who is wanting to be deeply involved in the life of those He has created. Man became a living being. This was different from all of the other creation He created. Into man He breathed His very life. This was more than just a breath. This breath concludes the creation being formed in the image of God. This breath moves man into intimate relationship with God. This breath gives man the very breath of God. Selah (means pause and think on that for a while!). This is what God wants for all people.The environment He created for man to live in was called Eden. The state man was in at the time was completely free from sin. No murders, lies, hate, pollution, death. Nothing ugly and hateful. It was the perfect environment spiritually and physically. Many believe this garden is located in Southern Iraq. In the garden there were planted two trees. The Tree of Life indicates an eternal life (Gen. 3:22). In the book of Revelation, chapter 2:7, the Tree of Life will be in the new heaven and earth. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil became a testing ground for Adam and Eve. God warns Adam and Eve about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Do not eat. Wouldn't life be great if there was no evil? Can you imagine? God did not want man to live in an eternal state of the knowledge of evil. That means there is evil out there. I asked earlier about whether you believe in the existence of God. Now I ask you this, do you believe there is a devil? AKA Satan. We know his mode of operation is temptation. What was the temptation for Adam? It was the temptation to be "like God". He convinced Eve that God was worried that if they ate from the tree, they would be like Him - knowing good from evil. But that wasn't the case. God didn't want mankind to live in a state of sin. Man had a choice. Man still has a choice. Either receive God and follow His instructions (always a good idea to follow the manufacturer's instructions) or don't. God didn't create robots, He created children. Made in His image but with a will of their own. In 3:6, Eve saw and ate. She didn't die...physically. But a spiritual death occurred. Physical death came later. From this event, all of makind is born of these spiritual parents. All people are born into sin. All people are in need of a savior. That savior is the seed God refers to in 3:15. The "he" God is referring to is Jesus. The promise of redemption begins here. Adam and Eve are removed from the garden. Why? To protect them. If they had eaten from the Tree of (eternal) Life, then they would be in the forever state of sin. This was a special garden. No sin allowed. Man would now survive from the sweat of his brow. But a second Adam was on His way.
15But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16Again, the gift of God is not like the result of the one man's sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.
18Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men. 19For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous."
Monday, October 4, 2010
Leave and Cleave
I think one of the toughest things for a woman to do is leave her family and cleave to her husband. Many times it's not because the woman doesn't want to leave home and start a new life. It is many times the parents not willing to let her go. The job of a parent is to train that child up to become an independent adult. Not an easy job. It takes a huge commitment and some skill to train them. But it also takes a strength in letting them go. I am blessed in my life to have parents who encouraged me to get my life going with my husband. I was the first of three daughters to leave the city my parents are in and move away. I've been gone for 28 years. The day we moved to Georgia was a tough one. We had a moving van all ready to pick our things up and go on a Friday. We stayed at my parents house the night before. The next day the moving company called and said they had to postpone our move one day. I was fine until the next morning. The moving morning arrived and I couldn't move. I was frozen. I couldn't leave my parent's home. I cried and cried and didn't want to leave. I tried to put my makeup on and cried through it. I tried to eat breakfast and couldn't do it. My Mom looked at me, dry eyed and said, "Go." I thought that was harsh! What? You want me to leave? She walked me to the car and Tony and I took off. The minute we were out of town the fear and sadness left me. I was fine. I needed my Mom to help me go. I can't imagine what would have happened if she hadn't done that. Sometimes you have to be tough as a parent. Sadly, parents are so wrapped up in their children, they lose perspective and become their child's friend. This is not healthy for parent or child. Your spouse is your best friend, or should be. Your must develop that relationship. I encourage you to look at your child as an individual who needs to step out and live their own life. God has a huge plan for their life and you want that to happen for them. Marriage is a God idea and it works great. Leave and cleave!!! Chapter 2 comes next.
Friday, October 1, 2010
It Is Good
I love that God said of His creation "It is good". He said it seven times. Light, heavens, ground,planets and stars, fish and birds, animals and humans, rest. All good. Don't you love all these things, too? You like what God likes. You were made in His image. I live in Georgia and I love these fall evenings. I look up in the sky and see the stars and think - that's really good. I see the Smokey Mountains and think - good! I go to Lake Allatoona near our home, sit at the lake and think - really good. I see my son sleeping and think - you are good God! I'm not sure anything in creation is bad. My niece, Michelle, and I were driving one day from our church to home. The prettiest small grasshopper was on my side window. He stayed there the whole trip. We worried about him as the wind became strong as I drove. He hung on. When we stopped we marveled at his ability to stay on the window. We looked at his tiny eyes and watched him clean his face. I figured he is a dare devil teenager and loves to ride car windows! He was beautiful - good one God! All of these creations shout - there is a God! Here I am! Look at Me! Evolution - come on! It's a THEORY. An unproven theory. Unproven and will never be proven. Interesting idea, but not true. God? Absolutely. There is such order to this planet, the chances that this world was created by a god is greater than the chances of evolution being true. Now, notice that the Bible says that in the creation of man, it says, "Let us create man in our image" (verse 26). Who is the "us" there? Well, that would be God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The trinity. We have a couple scriptures supporting this. John 1:3 says, "Through Him (Jesus) all things were made, without Him nothing was made that was made". Colossians1:16 says, "...all things were created by Him and for Him". I encourage you to look these up. Jesus was in heaven from the beginning. He was involved heavily in the creation process. We will discuss the creation of man and woman tomorrow. Until then, go outside. Look up, or around or down. It was all made for you to enjoy. It's good!