Genesis is the beginning of all things! Please join me on this amazing trip of beginnings. All 50 chapters have a wealth of revelations of God and promises of God both past, present and future. Get your Bible and join the journey. I am beginning with some posts from last year and will be adding to them. God bless!
Welcome to a study in the book of Ephesians!
I'm so glad you decided to join me! God's Word is life to us! It is our instruction manuel for life. The Bible contains the "ABC's"of Christian living. Many times we struggle and struggle to live a godly life. God doesn't want you to struggle, but He does require us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". That just means work out that walk with Him individually. Figure out what to do and then do it! He has given you the answers in His book of books - the Bible! Let's discover what it is saying to you. Let the Holy Spirit teach you! By the way, you must be born again to understand this book.
How do you get "born again"? In John 3, Jesus says you must be born of the Spirit. That means your Spirit needs to be revived, brought to life. Only Jesus can do that!Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life". As a matter of fact, He also said that there was one way to the Father. That way was through Him. He wasn't just a prophet or good man. He is the Son of God. God created you. God loves you. God wants you to have a relationship with Him. How? One way. Believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Believe that He died on the cross to delete your sin and get you to a place where you can know God here on earth and see Him face to face when you die. That's it. Do it today!
Oh yes. Please comment on the posts! I would love to hear what God has revealed to you about Genesis! Let the journey begin!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Begin in the Spirit and End in the Flesh?
We are now in Galatians 3:1-5. Again, remember Paul's spirit. He loves these people in Galatia. But they are being foolish. He actually wonders who has bewitched them. Did you know witchcraft is a work of the flesh? He was right in saying they were bewitched. When your Christian life begins to wain, demonic activity could really be going on. I can't imagine my life without the Spirit of God. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1980. Yeah, yeah....a long time ago. Anyway, that experience changed my Christian life totally. I thought being a Christian was good before, but the baptism of the Holy Spirit took it over the top! I could pray in tongues, lay hands on the sick, have words of knowledge and words of wisdom. WOW! The Holy Spirit is full of great gifts! So, begin in the Spirit and be made perfect in the flesh - or end in the flesh? I shutter to think. But any of us could fall for the deception. Remember, the flesh is full of pride and a "know it all" kind of spirit. It's easily flattered and full of strife and very puffed up with knowledge. It's easily offended and kind of touchy. How do you get the Spirit? Paul says in verse 2 it's by "the hearing of faith". I remember hearing of the Holy Spirit and the more I learned of Him, the more faith I had to receive Him into my life. There was no Holy Spirit for those under the law. The Holy Spirit was sent after Jesus ascended to heaven. Read Acts chapters 1 and 2. You don't work for a gift! Receive the precious gift of the Holy Spirit! It will change your life! Under the law - no miracles. In the Spirit by faith - is the miracle place. Don't go back and operate in the flesh! It doesn't work! The Galatians entertained the words of people who didn't live in the Spirit and it wore them down. Do your friends talk faith talk? Are they standing with you in godly pursuits? Be careful who you fellowship with. Protect this precious gift.
I Am Crucified With Christ
" is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me". Powerful! Paul goes on to say" This life I live I live by the faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me". All this good stuff is Galatians 2:20. This entire scripture sums up why you and I made this decision to follow Him. Who needs to think about the decision to follow Christ when we understand that he loved us so much that he died for us. Would you die for a friend? Maybe. Would you die for someone you don't like? Be honest...... Here's a tougher question, would you die for someone who didn't like you? Jesus did. Even on the cross, He forgave those who crucified Him. If I have died, then how can anything hurt me? Sin no longer has dominion over me - or you! These are all things you have to meditate and chew on for a long time before the depth of the reality of these words and His actions sinks in. Colossians 2:13 - 15 - Wow! "13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the circumcision of your flesh(remember the Jewish Christians? - that's a Julie thought - not in the Bible), He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." I highlighted my favorite parts. I guess that's just about all of it. It's good to be loved. It's good to be accepted. It's good not to be judged. It's just good to be a Christian. Your new walk in forgiveness is a part of the "triumphing over principalities" that Paul is talking about. We must become righteousness conscious instead of sin conscious. In other words, become conscious of who you are in Christ, not the snake you used to be. Think about who you are in Christ and the old habits of sin will fall away. I remember when I got Spirit filled, I was smoking at the time. I loved smoking (and really thought I was cool doing it - college mentality). I figured that wasn't a good representation for Christ so I wanted to quit. Well, that's easier said than done. I asked God for help. I trusted Him to help me. I know He wasn't judging me. I knew He loved me. So, I prayed and smoked for a number of months until one day I realized I wasn't smoking anymore! The desire was gone. I filled up with God and there was no room for smoking. It was a habit that had to break. God loved me through the process and the Holy Spirit gave me the power to stop. "I have been crucified with Christ."....thanks God!
Face to Face
Look at Galatians 2:12-15. It would be so nice if everyone was perfect, wouldn't it? If everyone did Christianity right, we would never have to do the hard thing of actually going to someone if we feel they are wrong (or we are wrong). Paul did the right thing and went to Peter face to face. Peter fell into some fear of man. He feared the Christian Jews. They were circumcised and felt all should be as well. The Gentile Jews were not circumcised because Christianity frees us from the law! No more circumcision required. Circumcision was a sign of the Jews' covenant with God. They also didn't eat with the Gentile believers because Gentile believers didn't observe the Jewish customs and diet. Again, no longer under the law. Peter's call was to minister to the Jews and was sent by God to convert them to Christianity. But Peter found himself compromising and a friend, Paul, challenged him. Did this ruin their relationship? No. As a matter of fact, Peter refers to Paul later as "our beloved brother Paul" in 2 Peter 3:15. Galatians 6:1-5 gives us a hint as to Paul's heart on correcting his friend. 1"Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. 5 For each one shall bear his own load." The word "restore" here in the Greek is katartizo which refers to the "mending of nets" or "perfecting human character". If people are approached with a hope of restoration, then we continue as "beloved brothers". Paul recognized this great man of God had a very important job to do and he reached out to his friend and pulled him up, corrected him and kept the relationship. Not only because he was a friend and associate but also for the big picture. After all, this walk of ours is all about God's kingdom, not ours!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Right Hand of Fellowship
Read Galatians 2:1-9. I love the "right hand of fellowship" (Galatians 2:9) . Paul reviews his acceptance in the apostleship. That was a big deal considering his reputation. He had a special call to the Gentiles (AKA - the heathens). A perfect job for this bold disciple. Peter was called to the Jews. Paul notes the two callings. We are each called to a particular purpose. Paul notes in verse 6 that God isn't impressed with "who" someone may be. Paul was pretty focused on the job to be done and understood his specific call. This is very important. We, as believers, make up the body of Christ - literally. The Bible tells us that each part of the body plays and important part, no matter how insignificant a particular part may seem. Your little toe assists in your ability to stand as much as your big toe does. So what is your gifting? You have one, you know. It's important to the big picture. You must see it that way. You know what your gifting is - you're just not sure you can do it. Well, you can't!!! Encouraging, huh? Jesus said in John 15:5, "for without Me you can do nothing". Okay, so with Him you can "do all things" Philippians 4:13 (look that one up, it's really good). The right hand of fellowship brings you in to the body. Reach out and grab a hand. We need each other to build God's kingdom.
Left Turn
Little left turn here. As I am spending this time in Galatians, I wonder how time is spent. When was the last time you picked up your Bible and instead of flipping through it looking for a scripture to get you through the day, you opened it searching out the truths of His Word....just because. Is it your quick fix or your daily bread? Have we learned to love the Word for the Word's sake? Or are we constantly needing assurance of our salvation, or of God's protection, or His provision? I challenge you to begin approaching God's Word in a new way. Get a notebook, get a concordance and your Bible, of course, and dig in. Find a subject that has nothing to do with a need you have. You will be amazed that the journey will open up new revelations God is just waiting to show you. It will be something He wants to show you. Something not all about you, but all about Him. You will feel closer to Him. He loves to sit with you and reveal His Word to you! I'm inspired by Paul's single purpose and sense of urgency in fulfilling his call. Okay, I'll continue and try not to take a left turn again. Well, can't promise that for sure!
Put Your Big Girl Panties On!
I can't seem to get past this revelation of Paul's. What a change this man experienced. How passionate he is in this truth he now possessed. Have you ever read of Paul's conversion? It's in Acts 9:1-19. Pretty amazing stuff. He was pretty much minding his own business of killing Christians and BOOM! God showed up! Jesus told Paul basically, if you persecute Christians, you are persecuting Me. Did his life change! He went from being the persecutor to being the one persecuted. In his new life as a Christian he was stoned and left for dead, in a shipwreck, bit by a snake, rejected by man. And we complain about our Christian journey. Brother! All the while, he stayed the course and continued in the faith. Will you continue in the faith? Do you remember your conversion moment? Do you remember the love that shot you out of the saddle and on your face before God? Has life and the persecution that comes from being a Christian knocked you off course? Well, it's time to get up, wipe the dust off and press on. Has anyone stoned you lately? Shipwrecked anyone? How about jailed for your beliefs? Okay, then stop complaining and get back to work! This man wrote two thirds of the New Testament - from prison mostly. Philippines 2:12 tells us to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling". Do you know what that means? It means - work it out! Do what God has for you to do. Be bold! Be strong! Fight the fight and finish the race! Remember, there are rewards to be had!
Water and Oil Don't Mix
Have you ever tried to mix oil and water? Not gonna happen. We saw that in the recent oil spill in the Gulf. The oil washed to the shore. It did not mix with the ocean water. Some things just don't mix. Well, false teaching and the Gospel don't mix either. There is ONE gospel - the gospel of Christ. That's it. That's all you need. Verse 8 of chapter 1 states that not even an angel preaching another gospel is acceptable. In verses 11-16, Paul shared how he knew from experience the zeal that comes from the traditions of men. That zeal for him came from the accolades of man - they thought he was great for killing Christians. We love it when people love us, don't we? But something happens when God separates us from the world. When He calls us "by His grace" (verse 15) a shift happens. In verse 16, Paul says of his experience that "immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood". Man feeds something in us that isn't God. Man feeds the flesh, the "ego". There are times in our lives when we, too, must not confer with flesh and blood. Flesh and blood usually steers us the wrong way. But God, will steer us His way - the right way. Interesting scripture I found the other day. In John 2:23-25, Jesus steered away from flesh and blood. It says that many believed in Him after seeing all the signs he did. But, Jesus, "didn't commit Himself to them, because He knew all men. and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man". You don't need man to affirm you. You are affirmed by God and that's more than good enough! Should we not confer with anyone then? No. The Bible says there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors. Just be sure your counselors are submitted to God, seeking God on your behalf and giving Godly advise based on scripture. Anything else - toss.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chapter One - EVIL
Go ahead and read the first chapter of Galatians. Love, love, love verse 4, Jesus giving Himself for our sin was meant to deliver us from the present evil age. Now that was written a long time ago when things weren't so evil. UHHH. Things have always been evil - since the fall of Adam. Ecclesiastes says there is nothing new under the sun. So there you go. The Bible is as relevant today as it has been since it was written (and before). "Deliver us from evil" - you've heard that in the Lord's prayer. This "age" of evil will not be over until Jesus comes again. God did not want to leave us in the state of being controlled by evil. This "evil age" has man steeped in evil and miserable in it. Man is literally controlled by it and no law is going to fix that. So, Paul addresses the saved Galatians and admonishes them for turning away from the amazing grace and following "another gospel". In verse 10, Paul realizes his message will not please men. Why? Because of self righteousness. That is a righteousness (or right standing with God) based on good works. It swells the ego and glorifies man. Not good. Not good at all. This revelation Paul preached came from Jesus. The law is not the way to heaven or to the way to a happy, full life. Lawgivers don't like that message - too bad!
Free from Works
Have you heard that you need to do good works to get to heaven? How many - three, four? Only one? The Gospel (good news in the Bible) is a gospel not of works, but of faith. Faith in what Christ did on the cross to free us from the bondage of sin. What sin is the one that keeps you from going to heaven? Murder or a "white" lie. Both of them! The "sins" aren't the issue as much as the issue of sin - is the issue. The fact is is that everyone is born into sin. Psalm 51:5 says, "Behold I was shapen in iniquity. and in sin did my mother conceive me" (KJV). Read Romans 5:12. It says that through Adam's sin, death by sin entered the world and thus was passed on to all men. That would be you - and me - and your kid (cute as she is). Good works are not going to fix this. Much as our egos feel enlarged when we do good works - they won't get you to heaven. Sorry! But keep on with those good works. there are rewards in heaven to be had!!! But the sin issue can only be dealt with by accepting the great work Jesus did. He laid down His life for you. Yep -a good work that saved the world. Okay, I stand corrected, there was one good work - but Jesus got that one. It was the only one. You can have the benefit, though, from that good work. Ask Jesus into your heart today. He will (and has) forgiven your sin. That's gospel.
Personal Attacks
Paul was a tough guy. He was steadfast in his call from God and in his intention on preaching the Gospel. People like that get attacked. The people in Galatia attacked him personally for his stance. Good for you, Paul, for standing firm. If someone hasn't disagreed with you at some point in life, you haven't lived - the Christian life. Sadly, with the factions inside of Christianity itself, it is sometimes hard to preach the gospel. People can be critical, hateful, gossips. WOW! Who needs enemies? But let's get back to the Book. Again, we must listen to the "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit, our teacher and guide, to press forward in what God has called each of us to do. We must be "led by the Spirit" and be about our Father's business - and out of other's business. OOPS! I digress.....again. Paul said of those who opposed him that they were trouble-makers and distorters of the Gospel (Galatians 1:7), people pleasers (Galatians 1:10) and false brethren (Galatians 2:4). Ouch! Harsh words to "devout" people. He defends the gospel with a passion. Why? It's good news! Freedom in Christ is good! Don't let people with their own agendas put you back in the bondage of hate, gossip and strife. Don't let people put you under the law. That's the old you! You are a new creation in Christ! Learn it and live it! Where are the Paul's today?
Unhappy Lawgivers
Have you ever known someone so full of laws (for themselves and others) that they seem kind of miserable? Sometimes it comes from traditions and traditions are hard to break. Jesus broke tradition!!! He set tradition on it's ear and got crucified for it (but He rose again!). Anyone, not just Christians, can put others under a law. Sometimes, laws when used to control behavior, are the ones we want to break! How do we fix this??? More laws? No! Freedom from laws! What? That can't be right. Yes. That's actually God's idea....... and He's always right. The Jews in Galatia struggled with the idea of this freedom. It's hard for our brains to wrap around the idea that my heart, if submitted to God, will guide me. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to actually live inside of us to help us live this life. I never heard much about the Holy Spirit when I was young, but He is the third Person of the Godhead and a must have to successfully live life - the life God has for you. Remember - God's life for you is GOOD! Let His Word richly dwell in you and you will do the right thing. That's freedom!
First Bite
Hi. So glad you are taking this journey with me through the book of Galatians. God's Word is THE manual for life. It is life itself. John 1:14 says, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." The" begotten" there is Jesus Himself - the Son of God. God's Word (the Bible) is alive! It's full of truths to live life. This world needs some truth, wouldn't you agree? Well. God's Word is truth. I know for me, it is the foundation on which I have built my life. God has been so good to me, and desires good for you. One wonderful thing that happens when you become born again and ask Jesus into your life, you enter into God's grace. God, in the Old Testament, gave man the Law. the 10 commandments, for man to live by. But, in trying to live by these laws, man constantly failed. So, through Christ, God takes the law and writes it in our heart. That means that it's easier to live when we are motivated from within instead of controlled from a law. If our hearts are right, we will do the right thing. God is pretty smart! The churches in Galatia, to whom this letter is written, were struggling with the temptation to get back under the law. Paul is trying to remind them of the freedom they have in Christ. This is the main theme of this book!
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